
Welcome to Free-Calculator.online. By using this website, you acknowledge and agree to the following disclaimers. Please read them carefully before accessing or using any of the calculators or information provided on this platform.

  1. Accuracy of Calculations: While we strive to provide accurate and reliable calculations, Free-Calculator.online cannot guarantee the absolute accuracy or completeness of the results generated by the calculators. The calculations are based on the input provided by the user, and the website does not take into account specific individual circumstances. Therefore, it is important to consider the results as estimates and use them for informational purposes only.

  2. Professional Advice: The calculators and information provided on Free-Calculator.online should not be considered as a substitute for professional advice. Although we aim to provide useful and reliable tools, the website does not provide legal, financial, medical, or any other professional advice. For specific matters requiring professional guidance, we strongly recommend consulting a qualified expert in the respective field.

  3. Third-Party Links: Free-Calculator.online may contain links to third-party websites or resources for additional information. These links are provided for convenience, but we do not endorse or have control over the content, accuracy, or availability of those external websites. Therefore, we cannot be held responsible for any damages or losses incurred as a result of accessing or using such third-party websites.

  4. Data Privacy: At Free-Calculator.online, we value your privacy and take appropriate measures to protect your personal information. However, please note that the transmission of data over the internet is not entirely secure, and we cannot guarantee the absolute security of your information. By using this website, you acknowledge and accept the inherent risks associated with transmitting data online.

  5. Modification of Content: Free-Calculator.online reserves the right to modify, update, or remove any content, calculator, or feature on the website without prior notice. We strive to provide accurate and up-to-date information, but we cannot guarantee the timeliness or completeness of the content at all times.

  6. User Responsibility: Users of Free-Calculator.online are solely responsible for the interpretation and use of the information and calculations provided on the website. It is your responsibility to verify the accuracy and applicability of the results generated by the calculators before making any decisions or taking any actions based on them.

By accessing and using Free-Calculator.online, you agree to release us from any liability or claims arising from your use of the website, including any inaccuracies in the calculations or reliance on the information provided. If you do not agree with any part of this disclaimer, please refrain from using the website.

Please note that this disclaimer may be subject to change without notice. It is your responsibility to review the disclaimer periodically for any updates or modifications.

If you have any questions or concerns regarding this disclaimer or the use of Free-Calculator.online, please contact us through the provided contact information.

Last updated: [14-07-2023]